Fisherman’s Picnic Weekend in Lutsen

This was Juliett’e first trip to the Hall family homestead in Lutsen and a good “test run” for the long drive coming up in a week. These are some really cute pictures I thought you would enjoy.

At the harbor in Grand Marais on Saturday, the day she turned six weeks old. Taken 08/01/09.
At home in Lutsen in Grandma’s kitchen, the picture of contentment. Taken 08/01/09.
All dressed up in her Sunday dress. Taken 08/02/09.

Praise the Lord!

I just got a message from our social worker, Michelle. Our birth mother’s social worker finally got in touch with her and they had a conversation about the consent forms. She reported she felt really sad for the first few days after delivery, but now she feels very good about the adoption going forward, especially after last week’s home visit. She is fully intending to sign the consents, and they are only trying to coordinate a day when she can go into the office with her parents (since she is a minor) to sign the forms. You know, in my mind I thought this was going to happen just fine. But my heart never got the message. Until I got that message from Michelle. And then I started crying and couldn’t stop. What a blessed relief to know that all we are talking about is the “mere formality” of organizing a time to get the paper signed! I can’t tell you what a weight felt like had been lifted off my shoulders when I got this news. Can you imagine the difficulty of loving a newborn child with all your being, knowing that there is a possibility (no matter how small) that you may not get to keep her? I feel like my moment has come and I no longer have to wait to exhale.

Hallelujah, what a glorious day!

Photos from this past weekend

Update: Sorry about that! I thought the public album at Facebook would work OK for those of you who weren’t members. I’ve changed the photo album application in my blog so I don’t have to rely on an outside host. The new album browser appears below.

This picture is a really good visual metaphor of how I’ve been feeling since Friday afternoon. Fuzzy and out of focus. I’m tired. So tired. Emotions right there at the surface, ready to burst forth at the slightest provocation. If I could get one good night’s sleep it would do me a world of good. I know, whine, whine, whine. Well, deal with it – that’s how I feel. And if I could just carve out about 3 hours of time somewhere to get caught up with two household tasks that I really *need* to get done (balancing my checkbook and getting caught up on paying the household bills), I would feel so much less stressed. Maybe tonight. Pray for a miracle.
