Easter Sunday, 2011

I know it has been a long, long time since I have posted. I’ve been very busy at work over the last two months with our new CIO arriving and all of my new responsibilities. No longer can I just sit quietly in my own little office doing my own work. But it’s all good, really it is. It’s just that by the time I get home most nights and get dinner made and the kitchen cleaned and spend a little time with Juliette before getting her ready for bed, well I’m just all tuckered out and my git up and go has got up and went. So without further ado, I bring you photos of one of Easter’s loveliest little girls. She made her mind up real quick like that she wasn’t a bit interested in wearing the pretty hat we got to go with her outfit, and it just wasn’t a battle we needed to fight.

[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Easter2011/]

Graduation Day

OMG – guess who graduated out of her high chair and into a booster chair today? She can sit at the table like a BIG girl now! Lady Miss J sitting in her booster chair, enjoying the heck out of some cheddar chickadees and string cheese.

[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/BoosterChair/]

Juliette’s first haircut

Well, it had to be done. Her bangs were so long they were hanging in front of her eyes and annoying her and us. So we took her to Harald’s stylist, Sandy, who gave Juliette her first haircut today. And she was an angel. Didn’t make a single complaint the whole time. Just sat there in my lap with her book, looking around at the people in the salon, and making faces at people. When we were done, we went out to celebrate Chinese new year at one of our favorite Chinese places. Gung hay fat choy!

[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Juliette1stHaircut/]

Overdue slideshows – Mostly Juliette

I know I have been unforgivably late in posting these. My only excuse (and it’s a good one, so I’m sticking to it!) is that keeping up with a busy 16 month old leaves me little time except to crash when she goes to bed at night. So without further ado ….

Pumpkin Picking
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Pumpkin picking/]

Lutsen, October 2010 – over MEA weekend
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Lutsen October 2010/]

Visitors from Norway
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Visitors from Norway/]

Halloween 2010
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Halloween 2010/]

November Cutie
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/November Cutie/]

First snow of 2001
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/First snow of 2010/]

Juliette’s first birthday party

Well, it has taken me long enough. Here are some pictures from Juliette’s first birthday party last Sunday in our backyard. I especially like the cake pictures. Funny, she wasn’t such a fan of sweet icing, but playing with the cake sure was fun. Also included are some gift-opening pictures. There are 20 pictures total, so be sure to scroll through them all.

[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Juliette1stbirthday/]

Who’s a sleepy baby?

Last week, J cut her top two teeth. She was kinda cranky much of last week, but is much better this week. Here are some photos of her taken last week one morning when she just didn’t want to wake up. I thought they were too cute!

[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Sleepy Baby/]