Several of you have wondered, and rightly so, just exactly where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. I’d love to tell you that I was visiting some exotic locale, or involved in some enthralling project that had so captured my imagination and energy that I was creatively consumed. Alas, that is not the case. Us Leos don’t get “down” very often, so when we do it can sometimes take us a while to recover. (Thank goodness our naturally sunny disposition brings with it strong powers of recuperation.) In my case, November was just a icky, distracting, stressful month – Thanksgiving being the one true exception. I wasn’t blogging because I was using all my energy to maintain some semblance of balance and not keel over due to my lack of equilibrium. A rare confluence of stressors combined to create the “perfect storm” of psychological distress and it has taken me awhile to get everything sorted and back to where it belongs. I dare say I’ve turned a corner now though, so that is the very good news. Christmas is such a cheerful time of year, despite its demands. And my birthmother arrives tomorrow for a three day visit, which has brightened my mood considerably and giving me something to look forward to with joy. So stay tuned, as the days pass I hope to be back to blogging more regularly, and for those of you who have expressed your concern, I thank you from the bottom of my truly grateful heart.