Nancy’s Quilt

For days now I’ve been wanting to post a picture of a quilt I finished at the Gibbon retreat last weekend for my dearest and most beloved of friends, Nancy. But she reads my blog so I couldn’t give it away! Well, I just got a phone call from Nancy that FedEx had delivered her package and she got it opened after finishing a rush and now she’s all verklempt over realizing it was made just because I love her and she’s such a spectacular person. So here’s the picture. I’m sorry it took so long girl! Hopefully, the matching pillow shams won’t take as long as the quilt did. Hey, it’s only about two years overdue!

When your friends cry tears of happiness, you know you did good.

Update: Credit must be paid. The quilting in this quilt was done by another dear friend and spectacular soul, Maxine Rosenthal, she of One-Block Wonders fame and soon to be famous for so much more. Of course, she’s already a legend in my mind!