
I don’t mind admitting my jealousy of my neighbor’s flowers. Luckily, I have these gorgeous ones planted on either side of our yard. I defy anyone not to feel delighted while staring at a bunch of brash poppies showing themselves off magnificently during their too-brief life.

Other Neighbor’s Flowers

Some photos taken this spring of other spectacular flowers our neighbors have planted that we are lucky enough to see every day.

Siberian Iris in Phyllis’ yard

Peony in Phyllis’ yard

Our neighbor Margaret is crazy about daffodils – her yard is full of them! And earlier this spring, they bloomed in quite the showy profusion. Here she shows off some prize specimens.

Finally, what would spring be without a breaktaking crab apple tree. Margaret’s was the loveliest one we’ve seen this year and it was stunning. The distance picture doesn’t do it justice – too much shadow, but the close up gives you an idea of what the whole tree was like.


Thankfully, we had great luck with the tulips we planted last fall. We were able to keep the deer and bunnies away with Liquid Fence and enjoyed the blooms for quite some time. We’ll plant more next fall in a hope for a repeat performance.

Species tulips – they are low to the ground and blossom in unusual shapes, but they are oh so pretty.


Pictures from our front yard, taken today.

Tahitian Sunset – a flirty hybrid tea rose with magnificent color

Climbing Polka – we’ve planted two in front of trellises on the front wall of the house. Originally hybridized in France in 1992, the color and scent are both exquisite and subtly elegant.